- User Account: A personal profile created by a user to access the app and its features.
- Carpool: The sharing of a ride, typically by multiple people traveling in the same direction.
- Ride Match: The process of connecting users who have similar travel needs and schedules.
- Live Tracking: The real-time location tracking feature allows users to monitor the progress of their rides.
- Same Gender Carpooling: A feature that allows users to carpool only with individuals of the same gender.
- City-to-City: A feature that enables users to carpool between cities.
- Within City: This feature enables users to carpool within the same city.
- Book a Ride: The process of requesting and scheduling a ride through the app.
- Payment: The process of paying for a ride through the app.
- Privacy: The protection of user data and information as outlined in the app’s privacy policy.
- User Agreement: The agreement between the user and the app regarding the terms of use and the responsibilities of each party.
Terms Mobile[email protected]2023-04-11T06:52:35+00:00